
Cable Has Limits!

What is the problem with Cable Pulling tension?
Research indicates that majority of premature cable failure is due to damage during installation.

Cable Has Limits!
Not following the proper cable installation practices can cause damage to cable jacket.

It can also cause pulling rope to melt through PVC conduit as can be seen in picture.

  1. Are pulling tensions measured in the field during installation?
  2. What coefficients of friction are used to calculate pulling tensions?
  3. How are tensions and sidewall pressures calculated, e.g. By hand? Spreadsheet?
  4. Are different Coefficients of Friction used in different segments of an installation, e.g. high-shear bends, large radius bends, etc.?
  5. Who provides estimated coefficient of friction/sidewall pressure data for underground cable installation design?
  6. What is cable pulling practices/standard?
  7. Do formal lubricant standards exist?

At Care4Cable workshop on underground cables we will have more discussion on the real projects experiences from different parts of the world. Mr. Charles Cole, Vice President Int’l Division , American Polywater will share their 30+ years of experience in dealing with friction problem and that ensures the long term performance of the of the cable system.

Jagdish Sandhanshiv

Director, Knowledge Cluster Pvt Ltd

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